New York Web Performance Meetup

After talking to Steve Souders about local events at Web2.0Expo in San Francisco, I realized that New York is missing Web Performance optimization event. I went ahead and saved 75% using discount code (Web2SF09 – graciously provided by Derek Odegard of Meetup team) and now you’re welcome to join New York Web Performance Workshop meetup.

Our first even is planned for May 12 and I’m looking for location at the moment, talking to a few companies I had preliminary OK from. In the first part of the event, we’re going to talk about current state of tools for web performance analysis and optimization and in the second part we’re going to look at the real-life sites and what can be done to improve their performance.

Performance @ New York Web Standards Meetup

The New York Web Standards MeetupYesterday, I talked about Web Performance at New York Web Standards Meetup hosted by theMechanism.

Thanks to all attendees for coming to the presentation, I hope it was informative and worked as a call to action.

If you have any questions or need help with your performance optimization project, feel free to post your comments here or contact me directly if you want, I’ll be happy to help.

HTML Slides with meta-data embedded using RDFa are available here

If you’d like to watch more presentations on performance (already have about 30 of them), you can visit TechPresentations:

Including a couple presentations about YSlow and related tools:

Once again, thank to all attending, asking interesting questions and volunteering for YSlow treatment ;)
